A Love Letter to My Hair

A Love Letter to My Hair

There are some things in life that we just assume will always be there. Things that we don’t think twice about. For me, one of those things is my hair. My hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, etc. I’ve thought about all of the ways that I would change them if I could but until now, I hadn’t taken pause to appreciate them and realize just how much they offer me. For me, I didn’t think about this until I began facing the prospect of losing my hair due to medical treatments. This is the very reason that I sat down one night, in an effort to process what is to come and wrote a love letter to my hair.

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Election Week: Make A Plan

Election Week: Make A Plan

Due to the weight of this election and the delay in official results, it is important to have a plan to support ourselves. Stress has a great impact on mental well-being, physical health, relationships, emotional & physical capacity, and immune function. Knowing that we are in an already stressful time with potential for added stress during a period of unknowns, let’s prepare our bodies in the best way possible. This is not only for the well-being of yourself and your family but rather for the greater community as a whole.

There is a lot that is out of our control right now. That said, there is still a lot that is within our control. This is where I suggest we focus our attention this coming week(s).

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5 Ways to Reduce Decisions In the Kitchen

5 Ways to Reduce Decisions In the Kitchen

How many times this week have you stared into your refrigerator asking yourself what you should eat? Only to feel that tinge of stress or anxiety in the gut because you’re already hungry but you just don’t have the energy to decide what to make and then follow through with actually making it.

Here are 5 tips to reduce the daily kitchen decisions.

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How an Integrative Health Coach Supports Her Immune Function

How an Integrative Health Coach Supports Her Immune Function

Here are some practices that I follow to support my immune function on an on-going basis. While supporting one’s immune function may not guarantee that one won’t get sick from time to time, it can mean that one can move through times of sickness with a bit more ease and speed.

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