Blender Matcha Latte

Gluten Free - Dairy Free - Refined Sugar Free 

Matcha with Cinnamon

In the health food world it's important to use discretion with dietary trends. Do your research, try the product and decide if it is beneficial for you. Matcha is all the rage these days and many want to know if all the buzz is really worth it or not. Is this just another a marketing scheme to get folks to buy another overpriced $6 sugary drink on the daily? Or is matcha truly health promoting? The answer to both of those questions, in my opinion, is yes. 

Huh? Yes, it's an overpriced sugary drink AND it's health promoting?!?! Let me clarify. As with anything being made by someone else and sold to you as a healthy option, you need to dig a little deeper. Matcha is rich in antioxidants, chlorophyl, vitamins, and has anti-cancer properties. It contains the amino acid L-theanine, which stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine, supporting a balanced mood and concentration. It has also been noted as boosting metabolism along with a slower release of caffeine, so that you don't get all of the jitters that coffee can offer.

If all of this is true, how could a matcha latte be bad for you? It depends on who is making the latte and what ingredients are being used. Many cafes will add loads of sugar (natural or artificial) to your matcha latte, making it a poor choice for your metabolism, digestion, immune system and mood. Not to mention, they're most likely using a low quality milk or milk alternative that can cause inflammation or digestive discomfort. It's also important to note what type of matcha is being used in your latte (more on this in a specified matcha post).

So, you see, as with anything it's all about knowing what is going into your drink. Is your matcha latte loaded with inflammatory sugar? Or is your matcha lightly sweetened with a hint of natural sugar that you can control the amount of? I choose the latter. Making it at home is far more affordable and health promoting than purchasing from a cafe. This said, I will still indulge in the occasional matcha from our local cafe from time to time. There's something to be said for the company and atmosphere. In this case, I order my matcha latte unsweetened.

Enjoy a creamy, frothy version of this green tea by making yourself a matcha latte from the comfort of your own home. This recipe includes healthy fats to satiate you (and your brain). Along with added protein (I like to use grass-fed collagen), you can make this a morning elixir or afternoon snack that will keep you full for quite some time.

matcha in hand

Blender Matcha Latte

Prep: 5 minutes

Makes: 12 ounces



  • 1 cup hot water

  • 1/2 cup full fat coconut milk (from a can)

  • 1 Tbsp. coconut butter (or 1 tsp. coconut oil)

  • 1 tsp. high quality matcha

  • ~ 1/2 tsp. raw, unprocessed honey

  • Optional: 1 Tbsp. grass-fed collagen or unflavored protein powder of choice

  • Optional: 1/2 tsp. mushroom powder (I enjoy Beauty Dust from Moon Juice)

  • Dash of cinnamon to top it off



  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Adjust the lid air gap to release steam, if possible. Blend until frothy and creamy.

  2. Pour into your favorite mug and top with cinnamon. Slow down and enjoy each delicious sip.

Pro Tips

matcha with spoon

What the Heck is Coconut Butter? Sweeter and creamier than coconut oil, coconut butter (made from the ground meat of a coconut) can be found at most natural grocery stores. If you're not ready to invest in a full jar, try a single serving packet. This allows you to try the product at a lower cost. Alternatively, you can use coconut oil. However, this will be a touch more oily and a lot less creamy (reduce to 1- 2 tsp. if going this route).

Sugar Free: Remove the honey and enjoy matcha's earthy flavor.

Make it Vegan: Replace honey with maple syrup and use a vegan protein powder, if using.

Is this your first time making a matcha latte? Any add-ins that you like to add to your matcha? Where do you enjoy drinking your matcha? Let us know in the comments section below.